Not all papers read at the symposium are included here. It was organized by Drs E.Ulrich Kratz, Nigel G.Phillips, and the editor, of the Department of the Languages and Cultures of South East Asia and the Islands, and Dr David W.Hughes of the Centre of Music Studies. Preliminary versions of the papers in this volume were presented at a sympo sium on Indonesian performing arts held at the School of Oriental and African Studies, from 30 July to 3 August 1990. Rassers’s comparison of the Panji tales to The tempest: an early case of anthropology of performing arts KEES P.EPSKAMP Notes on the acoustics and tuning of gamelan instruments ALBRECHT SCHNEIDERANDREAS E.BEURMANN Sléndro and pélog in India? RICHARD WIDDESS

The dramatic principles of Javanese narrative temple reliefs EDI SEDYAWATI Sung epic narrative and lyrical songs: carita pantun and tembangSunda WIM VAN ZANTENĬoordination between music and language in Balinese shadow-play, with emphasis on wayang gambuh Semang and Seblang: thoughts on music, dance, and the sacred in Central and East Java R.ANDERSON SUTTON Golék Ménak and tayuban: patronage and professionalism in two spheres of Central Javanese culture FELICIA HUGHES-FREELAND Traditional Balinese performing arts as yajnya MARTIN RAMSTEDT Jaipongan: the making of a new tradition JEAN HELLWIGĬharacter types and movement styles in traditional Javanese theatre CLARA BRAKELĭance drama (wayang wong) and politics at the court of Sultan Hamengkubuwana III (1812–14) of Yogyakarta PETER CAREY The seblang and its music: aspects of an East Javanese fertility rite PAUL A.WOLBERS Po-té-hi: the Chinese glove-puppet theatre in East Java VICTORIA M.CLARA VAN GROENENDAEL ISBN 2-5 Master e-book ISBN I0217 2 (Print Edition) “To purchase your own copy of this or any of Taylor & Francis or Routledge’s collection of thousands of eBooks please go to © School of Oriental and African Studies1993 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Published by the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG This edition published in the Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2005. SCHOOL OF ORIENTAL AND AFRICAN STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF LONDON 1993 PERFORMANCE IN JAVA AND BALI Studies of narrative, theatre, music, and dance edited by